
Welcome to the

College Mathematics Instructor Development Source


The CoMInDS Hub is your one-stop shop for all of your STEM Professional Development (PD) needs. Whether you are a Provider of PD, an instructor looking for PD resources, or someone who studies PD, we can point you in the right direction!


To get started, please select the button below that best describes your role.


We are currently running an online version of our workshop

Designing teaching-focused professional development for novice instructors

For access to workshop materials:

(now available!)

Are you a mathematics faculty member who provides Professional Development for Teaching (PDT)? 


Select the PROVIDER button above to find helpful resources for your PDT program, and to get professional development as a provider.

(under construction)

Are you a graduate student teaching assistant (TA), a graduate student instructor of record (GSI), or another variety of college mathematics instructor?


Select the INSTRUCTOR button above to find helpful resources for teaching and getting professional development.

(under construction)

Are you someone who participates in the research of professional development of college mathematics instructors (CMI)? 


Select the RESEARCHER button above to find collections of scholarly work on CMI PD, and join the larger community of researchers!