
Who We Are

Selected publications and other products

Akin, V., Braley, E., & Bookman, J. (2023). Modeling Active Learning in Professional Development for Teaching. The Journal of Faculty Development, 37(3), 28-39.


Andrews, T., Speer, N., & Shultz, G. (2022). Building bridges: A review and synthesis of research on teaching knowledge for undergraduate instruction in science, engineering, and mathematics, International Journal of STEM Education, 9(1), 1-21. 


Bookman, J. & Speer, N. (2021). CoMInDS: Supporting faculty who provide professional development for teaching to the next generation of college mathematics instructors, MAA FOCUS, 41(3) (June/July), 22-25.


Deshler, J. M., Hauk, S., & Speer, N. M. (2015). Professional development in teaching for mathematics graduate students. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 62(6), 638-643.


Hauk, S. & Hsu, P. (2022) Undergraduate and instructor perspectives on learning in first-year mathematics courses in the United States: A case study in calculus. La Matematica.


Hauk, S., Hsu, T., Campisi, M., Yahdi, M., Rayappan, S., & Gonzalez, J. (2022-2024, funded by California Learning Lab, $650K), instructor professional learning and policy development project}. Expanding equity and access in discrete mathematics. 


Hauk, S., Khadjavi, L., Kung, D. T., Piercey, V., & Staley, J. (to appear). Teaching college mathematics with, about, and for social justice. WestEd.


Hauk, S., St. John, K., & Jones, M. (2021). Exploring what it takes for faculty to be ready to change instructional practice. Journal of Geoscience Education.  


Hauk, S., & Speer, N. (2023). Developing the next generation of change agents in college mathematics instruction. In M. Voigt, J. Hagman, J. Gehrtz, B. Ratliff, N. Alexander, & R. Levy (Eds.), Justice through the lens of calculus: Framing new possibilities for diversity, equity, and inclusion (pp. 28–44).


Hauk, S., Strutchens, M., White, D. Y., Bay-Williams, J., Tsay, J-J., & Jackson, B. (to appear). Justice and the mathematics classroom: Realizing the goals of the AMTE Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (preprint). In B. Benken (Ed.) Reflection on Past, Present and Future: Paving the Way for the Future of Mathematics Teacher Education. AMTE.


Hayward, C. N., Archie, T., Daly, D., Weston, T. J., & Laursen, S. L. (2022). The cycle of inquiry: Building effective evaluation relationships to support continuous improvement of faculty development initiatives. In S. Linder, C. Lee, K. High (Eds.), Handbook of STEM Faculty Development, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC.


Rogers, K. C. (2022-2025, Grant-funded project, $350K) Adapting Problem-Solving Cycles in Professional Development with Foundational Mathematics Course Coordinators: A Potential Gateway for Instructional Change. NSF 22-548 EHR Core Research: Building Capacity in STEM Education Research (ECR: BCSER), Award No. 2225351.


Weston, T. J., Laursen, S. L., & Hayward, C. N. (2023). Measures of success: Characterizing teaching and teaching change with segmented and holistic observation data. International Journal of STEM Education 10, 24.


Yee, S., Deshler, J., Rogers, K. C., Petrulis, R., Potvin, C. D., & Sweeney, J. (2022). Bridging the Gap Between Observation Protocols and Formative Feedback. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 25, 217–245. 


Yoshinobu, S., Jones, M. G., Hayward, C. N., Schumacher, C., & Laursen, S. L. (2022). A broad doorway to the big tent: A four-strand model for discipline-based faculty development on inquiry-based learning. PRIMUS.

Archive of past events and workshops

Hauk S., & Speer, N. (2023, August 8 and 10). National CoMInDS Teaching Seminars for Novice Instructors. Mathematical Association of America. [n=62 participants]


Bookman, J., Speer, N., Braley, E., & Hauk, S. (2023, July). CoMInDS: Established Programs (July 14-18). Online: Mathematical Association of America. [n=17 participants]


Bookman, J., Speer, N., Kung, D., Braley, E., & Hauk, S. (2023, July). OPEN Math: CoMInDS (July 11-13, 18). Online: Mathematical Association of America. [n=20 participants]


Bookman, J., Speer, N., Stetzer, M. & Hauk, S. (2023, June). Improving the preparation of graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics, physics, and chemistry: CoMInDS Workshop (June 7-9). University of Maine. [n=29 participants]


Hauk, S., Speer, N., Rogers, K., & Clark, J. (2023, February 23). Working Group for Research on College Mathematics Instructor Professional Growth. Half-day working group session at the 25th annual Conference on RUME, Omaha, NE. [n=34 participants]


Hauk S., with Bookman, J. and Speer, N. (2023, January 5 and 6). Highlights from Research on Instructors’ Learning about Teaching, Parts I & II. Panel session at the national Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA. [n=20 participants]


Hauk S., & Speer, N. (2022, August 2 and 4). National CoMInDS Teaching Seminars for Novice Instructors. Mathematical Association of America. [n=90 participants]


Rogers, K., Yee, S., Speer, N., & Hauk, S. (2022, February). Working Group for Research on College Mathematics Instructor Professional Growth. Half-day working group session at the 24th annual Conference on RUME, Boston, MA. [n=44 participants]


Hauk S., & Speer, N. (2021, August). National CoMInDS Teaching Seminar. Mathematical Association of America. [n=72 participants]


Bookman, J., Speer, N., Kung, D., & Hauk, S. (2021, July). Improving the preparation of graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics: CoMInDS Workshop (July 19 – 22). Online: Mathematical Association of America. [n=46 participants]


Hauk S., & Speer, N. (2020, August). National CoMInDS Teaching Seminars for TAs and New Instructors. Mathematical Association of America. [n=158 participants]


Bookman, J., Speer, N., Kung, D., & Hauk, S. (2020, July). Improving the preparation of graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics: CoMInDS Workshop (July 13 – 15). Online: Mathematical Association of America. [n=26 participants]


Speer, N., Rogers, K., Yee, S., Deshler, J., & Hauk, S. (2020, February). Working Group for Research on College Mathematics Instructor Professional Growth. Half-day working group session at the 23rd annual Conference on RUME, Boston, MA.


Bookman, J., Speer, N., & Hauk, S. (2020, January). Improving the preparation of graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics: Provider development. Poster in MAA Session: Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education. Joint Mathematics Meetings. Denver, CO.


Hauk, S. (2020, January). Getting started in undergraduate mathematics education research: Theories and theoretical frameworks. Invited Discussion Leader for Project NExT Session. Joint Mathematics Meetings. Denver, CO.


Hauk, S., & Speer, N. (2019, November). College Mathematics Instructor Development Source (CoMInDS) [Poster & mentoring session]. Boulder Summit on Discipline-Based Professional Development. Boulder, CO.


Bookman, J., Hauk, S., Kung, D., & Speer, N. (2019, June). Improving the preparation of graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics: CoMInDS Cohort 3 Workshop (June 10 – June 12; n=26 participants). Berkeley, CA: Mathematical Sciences Research Institute.


Hauk, S., & Speer, N. (2019, May). Model Workshop: Improving the Preparation of Graduate Students to Teach Undergraduate Mathematics. Presentation for MSRI Academic Sponsors Day. Berkeley, CA.


Speer, N., Hauk, S., & Deshler, J. (2019, February). Working Group for Research on College Mathematics Instructor Professional Growth. Half-day working session [n=28 participants] at the 22nd annual Conference on RUME, Oklahoma City, OK. 


Bookman, J., Hauk, S., & Speer, N. (2019, January). Improving the preparation of graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics: Provider Packages. Poster in MAA Session: Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education. Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM), Baltimore, MD.


Bookman, J., Speer, N., Hauk, S., & Kung, D. (2018, July). Improving the preparation of graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics: CoMInDS Workshop (July 13 – 15; n=38 participants). Orono, ME: University of Maine.


Hauk, S., Speer, N., & Deshler, J. (2018, February). Working Group for Research on College Mathematics Instructor Professional Growth. Half-day session at the 21st Conference on RUME, San Diego, CA. [n=44 participants] 


Bookman, J., Speer, N., Hauk, S., & Kung, D. (2017, July). Improving the preparation of graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics: CoMInDS Workshop (July 13 – 15; n=33 participants). Orono, ME: University of Maine.


Bookman, J., Speer, N., Hauk, S., & Kung, D. (2016, July). Improving the preparation of graduate students to teach undergraduate mathematics: CoMInDS Workshop (July 13 – 15; n=34 participants). Orono, ME: University of Maine.