Who We Are

Natasha Speer
Natasha Speer is a faculty member at The University of Maine, affiliated with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Maine Center for Research in STEM Education. Her work includes design of materials and programs for teaching-focused professional development as well as education research on the teaching of undergraduate mathematics.
Jack Bookman
Jack Bookman is Professor of the Practice, Emeritus in Mathematics at Duke University. Since 1987, in addition to teaching mathematics, he has been preparing graduate students in Mathematics for their teaching responsibilities.

Shandy Hauk
Shandy grew up in and around Los Angeles. Her BA is in theater and film-making and her first California teaching credential was in English. She taught middle and high school (mostly) for about 5 years before quitting teaching, mortgaging her house, and returning to university in math. She finished a PhD in math at UC Irvine, then a post-doc in math ed at Arizona State. Current projects include Expanding Equity and Access in Discrete Mathematics, CoMInDS, and College Math Video Cases
Emily Braley
Emily Braley is an Associate Teaching Professor in Mathematics and the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs at Johns Hopkins University. Emily oversees the teaching orientation for new TAs in math and facilitates a teaching seminar for all first-year graduate students in mathematics. Her work includes supporting STEM departments to cultivate researched-based practices in STEM teaching and in their undergraduate curriculum assessment efforts. She supports the training and implementation of undergraduate learning assistants across the school of Arts and Sciences.

TJ Murphy
TJ Murphy is a professor in the Department of Engineering & Computing Education at the University of Cincinnati (#NotAnEngineer). Her background is research in undergraduate education. She has a history of studying retention of undergraduate engineering majors, especially those from marginalized or minoritized backgrounds. Her other area of work has been on the professional development of graduate teaching assistants in mathematics and in engineering.
Ian Thackray
Ian Thackray is a Masters of Science in Teaching student at the University of Maine. His research focuses on investigating the mathematical knowledge for teaching average rate of change of post-secondary teachers, and has been developing and adapting online Calculus activities over the last 5 years for www.matheno.com. He helps maintain and upload resources to the CoMInDS Resource Suite, manages the CoMInDS Hub (www.comindshub.org) and helps with various background activities during workshops.